Our Team
Aleksandra Arsic is a Content Strategist and Co-Founder of CapitalCounselor.com. With a BS in economics, she has a passion for finance and the global economy and can be found writing, designing, and developing all sorts of quality content. In her free time, she loves to travel, sing, play the guitar, and watch movies.
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Aleksandra Arsic
Anne looks at the world through a writer's lens. She sees stories in everyday life just waiting to be told and does her best to be the medium through which these stories reach the page. With years of experience, Anne has written for many prominent websites and people. She has been helping businesses across the globe build their brand's authority through great content. She's a proud mother of a future psychologist, and in her free time, she loves to cook, and cook, and cook some more!
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Anne Rainwater
Bojana is a web content manager, writer, and fitness enthusiast. Having written numerous articles about personal finances, bank loans, mortgages, letters of credit, and the status of new rising industries (cannabis in particular), it was only a matter of time before she focused all her organizational might, research capacity, as well as her impeccable writing skills, on a single project. Thus — Capital Counselor was born.
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Bojana Petkovic
- 10 Best Store Cards for Bad Credit in 2024 (With Reviews)
- What Is Buyer’s Remorse: Shaking Off the Shopping Guilt
- How to Endorse a Check & Reduce the Chances of Fraud
- Best Debit Card to Use in Europe and Avoid High Fees in 2024
- 10 Best Cosmetic Surgery Loans for Bad Credit in 2024
- 10 Types of Credit Cards: How to Choose the Best One(s)
An avid reader, gamer, and emoji connoisseur, Damjan has always found refuge in dusty old tomes and their digitized counterparts. With a degree in English language and literature, he has worked both as a content writer and editor for several years, optimizing the smooth flow of fun and informative content for fellow readers to enjoy. When he’s not working, Damjan enjoys watching funny cat videos and immersing himself in the works of his favorite authors.
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Damjan Djermanov
Damjana is a writer from Bitola, North Macedonia. After teaching for 8 years, she found a new challenge — writing. With her academic background in the English language, doing research and writing is always fun and enjoyable for her. In her spare time, she loves binge-watching TV shows, especially crime documentaries, or spending time with her dogs.
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Damjana Cikaric
Diane Marie is a writer with a passion - and with a purpose. Throughout the ten years (and counting) of being a writer and editor for digital marketing companies and news media agencies, she seeks to engage her readers with content they can relate to and educate and guide them in this wonderful realm called "life."
Diane Marie has a degree in Mass Media Communication, has taken up several units in law school, and is currently a Master's Degree student in Language Communication.
Follow her in Capital Counselor - and get ready to be inspired.
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Earl Rinand Margallo
Jessica is a writer and editor from Cape Town, South Africa. She started her journey studying journalism and media studies, along with English literature. Since then, she’s written for many different websites on a number of subjects. She loves any topic that she can really sink her teeth into, and she makes sure that everything she writes is thoroughly researched.
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Kris Soliongco
Ljubica is a writer and researcher who enjoys spending most of her time between the pages of her favorite books or immersed in her writing. With a background in English literature, she prides herself on delivering content that is well-researched and backed up by relevant data. When she’s not working, she’s known to binge-watch a TV show or two or hit the gym, which doesn’t happen that often.
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Ljubica Cvetkovska
Marija is a content writer, biochemist, and communications associate for several nonprofit organizations. After earning her bachelor’s, she worked as a scientific writer before engaging in the world of nonprofits—first as an English translator and an activist, and later, as head of communications. In content writing, she finds the perfect stimulus for her curiosity and aptitude for research, as well as a way to deploy her linguistic creativity for the purpose of better understanding.
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Marija Kovachevska
Marina is a content writer and a film-maker who spends most of her time in front of the computer, writing articles and blog posts on various subjects, learning fictional languages or editing avant-garde movies. This compulsive penchant for learning new ways of dreaming and writing became her dream job. When she's not obsessing about work she tries to cook, read dystopian novels and go on adventures with her dog.
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Marina Avramovic
- How to Avoid Interest on Your Credit Card in 4 Simple Steps
- What Is a Delinquent Account (And How to Get Rid Of It)
- How to Make Money on Instagram and Become a Full-Time IGer?
- How to Get a Loan Without a Job: 8 Fine Options to Consider
- How to Make Money on TikTok: 5 Tips for Quick Monetization
- How and Where to Buy Elongate Crypto in 2024
With a BBA and a finance background she enjoys studying the economy and following up on the stock market. Loves reading up on the newest trends, and has a passion for traveling the world and experiencing different cultures.
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Mila Bera
Milica is a student of English language and literature. She spends her days binge-watching TV shows, drinking coffee, writing a lot, and sometimes studying for the exams. Milica loves talking, reading, and writing on a variety of topics and she is in a constant search for a better way to express herself and her thoughts.
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Milica Arsenovic
Mirjana is an experienced content writer with a master’s degree in English philology and literature. An avid reader, dark chocolate connoisseur, and coffee addict, she is passionate about writing quality content based on thorough research and facts. Health, animals, literature, and human relationships are just some of the topics she has covered so far.
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Sanela has always found pleasure in studying linguistics and the way language forms modern-day human interactions. As she pays great attention to detail, she’s especially fond of written language, a powerful tool that lets her shape her thoughts into words as precisely as possible. Apart from this passion, she’s a devoted researcher of a wide variety of topics, ranging from health to human relationships.
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Sanela Puac
Born as a computer and technology enthusiast, I quickly realized that I’m also being interested in graphical and 3D design, which eventually got me a degree in business IT with a specialization in graphic design. After all the pump in cryptocurrency market, I mastered it shortly after and started to interest in the stock market and finding new ways of investing and saving for retirement.
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Sasa Vujnovic
With over a decade of experience in writing and two decades in making music, Szabolcs is all ears when it comes to creating written and audio content. As an active touring/recording musician and creative writer, he focuses on exploring new places, experiences, and topics. He also rediscovered his long lost love for gaming, which only fueled his appetite to research new tech trends. Lastly, his enthusiasm toward powerlifting also means that he's trying to be well-versed in other topics too, such as lifestyle, fitness, resistance training, bodybuilding, and strength sports.